Work it.

I always love it when I discover songs randomly. Let's say, I'm really feeling this song at a cafe or a restaurant, I always rush to find out what the song is. Yesterday, I tried to be productive and wanted to enjoy the sun as much as possible. The day started out gloomy as hell when I headed out for breakfast with a friend but cleared up during the afternoon. As I was driving and listening to this 'suggested' playlist from Spotify, the song just popped out. And I definitely had one of those moments when I got really excited and was eager to find out what song it was.

I was somewhat excited when the new Light Rail station opened up at UW. I've been here for 6.5 years (almost 7 years) and it's pretty exciting to see all the change Seattle is going through - good or bad, depends on your own subjective views. I know for a fact (like everyone else) that the city is somewhat pushing me out of its vicinity due to increasing rent. At the same time, I am pretty indifferent by that because I know that in order to survive in a city with soaring rents, some ways to tackle that would be to work even harder (subjective point of view, don't judge me). The light rail takes me downtown fast. But the bus that takes me to the UW light rail station is rather underwhelming. I wish they kept the bus options because honestly, having to connect at another station is somewhat of a pain for me. But at least they have free tunnel wifi (hallelujah). I suppose I can live with it, for now.

Sometimes there are things that could easily satisfy me. But there are also always times where things just never seem to give me the same sort of gratification I am looking for. I feel like I always say this, but life has been going up and down like never before. Uncertainties overpower the comfort and privileges of stability. Realistic thoughts overpower those dreams and aspirations established at a prior time. And I have spent a lot of time daydreaming and thinking about what could have been different. That alone is a privilege. 

Anyhow, I am starting to think that my part-time jobs are getting in the way of my pursue to become a designer and developer. So here's one of the big decisions I have to make - should I quit one of the jobs in order to devote more time to look for a job? Or should I simply just suck it up and try to have better time management. I'm not sure if the latter is entirely true. But working at 4:30 in the morning makes it difficult to stay productive for the entire day, especially when you have already been working for 8 hours dealing with customers and just running around frantically, making sure everything is delivered on time and making sure other people are happy.

I think I already have an answer and it shouldn't be too hard to make that happen.

Cynthia Wong