Apartment Hunting

Not really. What I am referring to is finding a new home for my portfolio. Squarespace has been housing my personal portfolio for years now. As part of the final showcase for my WDI class with General Assembly, I have also built a super static website using pure HTML/CSS and possibly some JavaScript to showcase my web development work. Honestly, I built the entire thing in 6 hours with no sleep. When the sun came up, I quickly uploaded it to BitBalloon and let the magic commence.

I have been 'apartment hunting' in order to possibly pick up some new skills along the way. As if one can ever have enough skills in the 21st century. It's 2017; it's potentially the year that VR takes over the world. It's potentially the year where bots take over our daily lives and so on. JavaScript itself evolves so quickly, I have contemplated about building my portfolio with the latest frameworks such as Angular 2 or React. Or even go old school and use whatever platform the cool kids are using such as WordPress. I have also looked into Ghost, CraftCMS, and so on.

I discovered Kirby a long time ago. Possibly before I even got super serious about programming (I'm not really that super serious right now because I can only tell the world that I'm an avid learner). I don't have a degree in CS or anything remotely related to that. My background lies in Political Science and writing policy briefs and burying myself in the works of Waltz and Gilpin, and possibly Friedman and Krugman. 

I wanted something dead simple but yet challenging enough to keep my brain going. I always get excited by new technology. Unfortunately, with limited time, I have settled with Kirby. I've set up a repo on GitHub so y'all can hop on this learning journey with me as I transition into the world of PHP. And no, I'm not a fan of PHP and I probably never will be. Once you go with JS, you honestly can't go back. And did I mention I simply have no time (or the brains) to keep up with all these different languages, let alone the billion technologies and frameworks within the JS universe? I am so amazed by people that can juggle between Python, Ruby, and JS.

For me, having to master JS is like King Arthur attempting to pull out that sword when Merlin instructed him to do so. Anyway, if you're at all interested, this is the repo I've been hyping about.

I am in full force in revamping my blog and whatnot. Also, I am reading up articles and books on Design Thinking. I'm currently reading Change By Design by Tim Brown, the founder of IDEO. I've always admired IDEO and one day, that would definitely be a goal in life - channeling design to elevate positive social impact. There are so many things I am eager to do. But for now, I can only tell myself to slow down and get the foundations right. I am deeply overwhelmed by what the information age has evolved to. If I have one world to describe my current feels, it would be I'm fucked! But thanks for the wonderful Mark Manson and his article that forever changed my life, I need to selectively give fucks because the world doesn't have the time to witness you cry over spilled milk or let alone you.

I feel like such a big girl for being able to link to so many articles. Like, have I been doing my homework and paying attention to the a thousand things happening around me?

*drum roll* But to be honest, the key takeaway in regards to moving my site to Kirby is to showcase my ability to adapt and also apply whatever you want to call it, design thinking, UX trends, usability and whatnot to my new site. Keep checking back, I am hoping to not only post updates about my progress but also share insights and sketches on how I attempt to (once again) identify myself as a 'devigner' or simply unicorn.

Cynthia Wong