Mount Baker Wilderness

I used to really enjoy blogging about random thoughts and whatnot but once I hit the age of 25, there’s been so many things that I eagerly want to do but I seem to never have the time or the motivation to do so. Talk about distractions - they are indeed everywhere. One thing that’s stayed consistent was my commitment to opt outside (as REI would advertise). Having lived in the Pacific Northwest for 10 years now, like wow, time really fucking flies, I am finally spending more time in the outdoors.

It also helps that I finally got my own car. I never felt the need for one but with the new job and whatnot, I finally decided that it was time.

The first thing I did was to take it on a drive to Artist Point in the Mount Baker Wilderness. The drive itself is super fun as you meander through the mountains and feel like your car is about to spin off the main road and off you go tumbling down the side of a mountain. But really, the fear of steering off is exactly what makes this drive fueled with excitement and adrenaline. As I finally pulled to the parking lot - it was packed (as with every popular spot in the PNW. It was a foggy afternoon. I couldn’t see Mount Shuskan as I anticipated but nonetheless the fog that engulfed the other mountains nearby were mesmerizing. I couldn’t help to snap a few photos as the fog really started to roll in.


It never fails to amaze me with how pretty nature is and as cliche as it sounds, I can’t stop admiring it. I always feel safer when I’m out here. Sometimes people ask me why I do things on my own. Having a little solitude while surrounded by trees, mountains and wildlife is great. I never feel judged or obligated to do anything.It all started when I was really hurting at one point in my recent life that I realized I could learn on nature and silence for healing. It takes time but I think having a little bit of solitude is important when on a daily basis we are always bombarded by unnecessary noise. It’s so important to take are of yourself and discover things that are meaningful to you and cling onto them as long as possible.

But really, the fear of steering off is exactly what makes this drive fueled with excitement and adrenaline.
Having lived in the Pacific Northwest for 10 years now, like wow, time really fucking flies, I am finally spending more time in the outdoors.

As I’m writing this, I am getting for work and I can’t think of the next adventure I’ll go on. In the meantime, I also can’t wait to get off work and work on revamping my blog and finally moving it to GatsbyJS. I seriously need to stray away from Squarespace and try to tackle some new skills. Until next time.

WashingtonCynthia Wong