Work in Progress

I've been drenched in jobs that I don't even have the motivation to go anymore. Some people are super good with dealing with entitled customers but I'm not. When I get overwhelmed from work, I tend to turn to working on side projects (even though I'm far from being great or perhaps good). Nonetheless, it proves to be a pretty good remedy.

The Washington State Model United Nations (WASMUN) is coming right up. This year the conference will be held from February 28 - March 1. In the past two years, I've been bouncing back and forth doing design work and also providing assistance and support to the staff members. My background lies in political science, in particular political economy. Hence, I've always enjoyed designing for them and of course, taking part as the Director and/or Assistant Director for various committees. A new year means new designs for almost everything. I've already redesigned the logo and lately I've moved onto designing the background guides (the 'BG Guides'). The guides serve as one of the most important pieces of documents for delegates because it outlines the issues at hand and provides resources for students. It's also a very good starting point for students who have absolutely no clue where to begin. I thought I'd keep the design simple with a pop of color because to engage students into this whole realm of Model UN, it takes a bit of aesthetics to keep them interested. 

On top of that, I am currently debating whether I should invest in a course through General Assembly (a bootcamp/learning center that has offices all over the world). I'm also looking at a course offered by Koru. I am in desperation for a change. People tend to say 'new year, new you'. Let's be honest though, if you don't work towards a goal you set for yourself, you're not going to make any progress, ever.

"Motivation is what gets your started. Habit is what keeps you going."
Cynthia Wong