Let's get personal

Growing up, I've been privileged enough to be able to travel the world. I've been privileged enough to attend a semi-famous international school. I've been privileged to make mistakes and not have any consequences (I've never broken the law obviously, I haven't even attempted to do so because I'm whack like that). Nonetheless, I came out average, if not 'worse off' than most people.

- When I mean worse off, I don't mean to say that I suck. What I mean here is despite all the privileges I was once able to enjoy, I've put those things behind me and I'm trying extra hard to work out a path that truly belongs to me. Think of yourself working on a piece of artwork and when you're finally done, you're not afraid to take full credit of it. Of course, you acknowledge the people that helped you along the way and the numerous inspirations you scouted online and from books.  

Anyhow, it took me a very long time to accept myself as the person I am or in fact, the person I've always been. I was never comfortable to admit the differences I share with my peers especially growing up in Hong Kong and studying at an elitist school (aka private school). It bothered me a lot when I was going through high school. But really, when you leave that small pool of people, you actually find people that are you are compatible with. You find friends and acquaintances that complement you. Moreover, you're no longer feeling like that odd ball eating lunch alone in the cafeteria (been there, done that!). I think it's a common problem that teenagers and late teens, you know people that fall in the age group of 16-25. They feel compelled to follow trends - fashion, music, careers, interested in general and all that. And they feel like if they mess up in school they mess up the rest of their lives.

I'm not here to educate people and I'm not here to provide new information. I'm simply sharing the fact that I have finally found my own niche. I'm finally comfortable in my own body. And I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank my parents for never giving up on me. I know I've come a long way since high school. Despite the lack of achievements I have so far, I know for a fact that I have my very personal 'fanbase' supporting me throughout.

I recently applied to the General Assembly User-Experience Design Part-Time Program. I'm reallyreally hoping that they are going to accept me.

To conclude, I've come up with another approach to the background guide (as explained in the previous post).


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