Concert Season Part I

Honestly, this is just me catching up with overdue images that I haven't yet posted. As I have already mentioned, I've been getting far too comfortable with the work I am doing and have lost a chunk of my motivation due to that. Nothing at work has been challenging. The only things that are challenging are the unnecessary stressful situations I get thrown into. Other than that, it's been quite underwhelming.

I have been trying to see bands that I have been wanting to see for the past few months. I tend to just go with the flow and sometimes, I probably don't even like the band that much but still end up going to see them. I enjoy taking photos at concerts so much, it's almost worth it just to attend one to take photos. I haven't been on my DSLR in quite some time. I keep ending up with the wrong battery and never have the time to actually purchase the right one. Sooner or later though, I will be getting the right one. In the meantime, the iPhone 5s hasn't been too shabby. It's portable and tiny - easy to bring in and out of a concert. It's a daily essential for us millennials. I'm not complaining because half the time I can't even take my DSLR into venues because of restrictions. And the photos always turn out great anyway.

The top 2 photos were from last night at the Cage the Elephant concert at WAMU Theatre. WAMU gave me such weird vibes because the venue is so uptight about everything that I just wasn't feeling it. Portugal. The. Man was one of the opening acts and they sound so different from how they were when I saw a few years ago at the Showbox. I realize how a smaller venue really brings you closer to the artists and musicians on stage. At such a huge venue like WAMU, I felt super disconnected and almost felt like everything was ten times more commercial than they had to be.

Apart from attending concerts, I signed up for this JavaScript course on Udemy. I figured I would try one of their classes because I have heard somewhat good things about them. I also needed a reason to brush up on some front-end web development skills. The course itself is highly based on closures, promises, and the essential JS concepts that I never really dug too deep into. I'm not I won't really be dealing with those on a daily basis but for me, it is essential to really step back to square one and learn all the basics all over again. I'm still uncomfortable when it comes to writing a simple for loop or just some functions. Because, I never had the brains to figure out the logic behind him. I'm excited to finish the course and see where it will take me. I've requested less hours at work so I'm hoping to really use the time to focus on my true passions. 

In the meantime, I am trying to stay positive and hoping to gain some momentum in the next few weeks. Stay tuned.

It's not a real blog post without ending with a current favorite song.