I realized that most of the time my photos never correspond to the content of the blog. But I think that's okay since I'm not really an avid blogger and I'm really not trying to focus on the whole package like most bloggers do.

I found the images on my phone and went ahead and edited them with VSCO, which rendered amazing results. (I suppose I should also rave about the amazing iPhone 5S camera feature as well?) Anyhow, these images were shot when I was down in San Francisco to visit my mom or more like meeting up with her while she was here for a conference for work. It was definitely good times. And looking back at these photos always make me wonder when my next vacation would take place.

Lately, I've been going through a lot of stress but definitely not the type of stress level that would drive up up-the-wall insane. It's more so that I no longer have a set schedule and my work might have to send me to various places to cover for other people. Whereas it's great to be getting experience, I suppose that's not the experience I yearn for. When I sat down with one of my prospective store managers, he straight up asked me what my long-term development goals are. It was hard to answer the question because my goals and aspirations don't necessarily correspond to the actions I am currently taking and the experiences I currently partake in. It was rough. Because I'm simultaneously trying to look for a new career. As I grow older (not year-old, but day-old or month-old) I begin to understand that reality is hard. And that you are no longer entitled to the personal values and principles you once so fiercely guarded. 

Sounds so depressing but it's reality. On the upside, I'm beginning to sketch out personas for my UX class. It's so far a pretty hard class in terms of schedule and my eagerness to really gain something out of it. I feel like I'm going to have a read a few supplement books in order to really get my feet wet in the UX world.

Work in two hours, and I'm trying to rush through my plate of garlic bread and pasta. Peace.

Cynthia WongComment