Holding On For Life

It has a been a fruitful weekend despite minor setbacks. But that's okay, because that statement my dad once made about setbacks is forever echoing in my head like a constant buzz. Minor setbacks are given. The only thing that really has measurable change would probably be the way you handle them. As I have mentioned, I am slowly recovering from minor bumps along the way. I think it's partly because I just completed the course and I have given myself so much pressure to find a job. In the meantime, I am back to working part-time at both Starbucks and the zoo.

This weekend was brutal due to the fact that I double booked myself and ended up working a double at both jobs. Never again would I ever sign myself up for that kind of situation. But perhaps the upside of the weekend was going to see Sol up in Bellingham (B'Ham yo) last night at the Wild Buffalo. It was Sunday so the city itself was underwhelming; the show was definitely pumping though. As I enter my seventh year living in the Pacific Northwest, I can proudly rep Seattle and call the 206 area my home. The concert especially moved me because of the heart and energy the artists exhibited on stage. I have been to mainly larger concerts (think mainstream bands) and I always feel disconnected from the artist even though I paid my fair share to enjoy their performance. It was certainly different last night. I have hardly felt so much authenticity and honesty. I felt like I was able to connect with their heart in a way because of how they are pursuing their dreams and achieving goals. Ever since I graduated from college, I have been attempting to not stray too far away from my dreams and goals. That being said, it doesn't mean that I am not willing to take risks, detour, or take a different path just to do so. 

I felt like I really connected with the artists last night because I myself have been constantly working towards my dreams and aspirations. Ever since living independently from home and my parents, there were many ups and many downs. I echo the sentiments I have stated in the beginning of this blog post. Growing up, I have always been a rebel. I have always found the most unconventional ways to do things - sometimes those ways aren't necessarily universally agreed among my parents and I. My parents have always been so supportive of me (as cliche as it sounds). Their unconditional support is the main fuel to keep my engine propelling towards something.  I am 25 years young and there are a lot of more things I want to achieve. I am genuinely happy that I made the decision to drive all the way up to Bellingham, even after a long weekend of work.

It was a great getaway from reality - a perfect way to feel empowered and inspired and also a great opportunity to distract myself from the setbacks I have been experiencing in the last couple of weeks. I needed the drive to get my head out of the ditch and finally feel 'great' about myself. I have the worst tendencies to feel bad about myself in regards to constantly beating myself up. But hey, we are all still trying to figure ourselves up. I had a ton of feels last night but I finally have the time to sit my butt down and express those feels I had.

Intense fucking feelings for reals.

While I am already working two jobs, I am happy to announce that I will be taking on a third job as a contractor at a local Seattle creative agency. The path to getting on board was a little intense. But hey, it feels even more worth it because now that I can declare myself a front-end web developer, I cannot wait to finally be applying my skills in graphic design and programming to create something nice.

I also accidentally deleted part of my post, so I quickly wrote something to compensate for the lost. There might be a lot of typos, and I don't really care. And of course, a tune to end the post, what's new?

Cynthia WongComment