Vagrant Up

As I have mentioned, I will be experimenting with CraftCMS to build the Front-End of a website. For the back-end (I'm not even sure if I'm using the right terms anymore because technically Craft requires a MySQL database and is written with PHP and Twig, cheers to more templating languages). Right now, I'm still in the process of installing my prerequisites until I am comfortable enough to even pull down the repo aka Craft demo to start fiddling with it. Throughout the course, I have been complaining about how slow my computer is. And now that I have included all these other dependencies and installed a bunch of other crap that I have to familiarize myself with. I feel like my computer is going to die and I hope it's not going to anytime soon. Working at Starbucks and being an on-call server don't necessarily yield me enough savings to get a laptop on the fly. 


Anyway, as I'm going through my command line and installing things. There are just so many things I have yet to understand. I thought some of the notes were confusing but little did I know I was actually privileged enough to have all the commands laid out for me. Now I'm sailing on my own. I'm reading up documentation for the first time and actually trying to get through the proper installation process. And of course, stackoverflow is always your best friend if you're a programmer. Honestly, it's good practice but I have also spent the past 2 hours attempting to understand the steps I took in order to get to where I want to be. Note: As I am typing this, I have yet to successfully run the following command:

vagrant up

And of course I get the following:

Failed to mount folders in Linux guest. This is usually because the "vboxsf" 
file system is not available. Please verify that the guest additions are properly 
installed in the guest and can work properly.

And of course I am clueless about what happened. #BedTime

Cynthia WongComment